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Selection of Poems
Selection for the poetry book
On July 25, 2022, I complete 19 years as a poet, and 20 years in 2023. I have been writing poems since 2003, seeing them published in columns and spaces of newspapers, whether printed or online, since 2008. _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_I thought of bringing poems from each year to compose the collection, to be published in 2023, and for that, there will be five dates for selections, and one for sending collaborators. I ask for your collaboration to help select them.
Selection Schedule
Schedule dates may change during the selection process.
The hidden in essence
Triangle: Body and soul.
The sun: Consciousness, the generator of life.
The white circle inside the sun: The eye that represents perception, the link between the interior and the exterior - for the poet Ricardo Oliveira, it is the poetic and non-poetic world.
MP: Initials of Mysteries & Poetry.
The Feather: According to the coat of arms of the poet Ricardo Oliveira, Calliope is the muse of epic poetry and the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne (memory), she is one of the nine muses whose mission is to inspire human beings so that they become creative in art and science. And thinking of the muse, which was chosen to use this symbol.